Hi is anyone good on the new BTL stamp duty rules?
The scenario is...
2 brothers inherit a btl property (already let out) without a mortgage
1 brother wants to keep and the other wants to be bought out
So the 1 brother wants to get a BTL mortgage on the property to buy his brother out
Would this be subject to stamp duty?
I know normally inherited properties are not subject to to stamp duty, but would the buying one party out or mortgage be classed as a transaction subject to stamp duty?
The probate hasn't been finalised so if there is anything they can do prior.
By the way this is a personal issue and I'm not giving out tax advice :)
Thanks Lyndsey
Hi. Yes stamp duty payable on price of share bought, if over threshold. Probable CGT if share sold for more than probate base, payable by selling brother.
Johnny - Owner of an overly-active keyboard.
A man who can read, yet doesn't, is in no way wiser than a man who can't.
If this will be the buyers second home: <125k is 3% > 125k is 5%. There are others rates above X amount which I can't remember now, I think it's 8% over X. Inheritance can be tricky to get a base figure, probable to be probate but could be MV as base. Definitely get professional advice on that score, I only know the basics as I've never had to deal with.
Johnny - Owner of an overly-active keyboard.
A man who can read, yet doesn't, is in no way wiser than a man who can't.
They could look at the option of a Deed of Variation regarding the Will if all parties/beneficiaries agree. The solicitor will be able to advise I'm sure.