I asked my employer if it was possible to send my P60 to HMRC earlier,since I've been massively overtaxed and I'd need my money back asap. They told me that the payroll is outsourced and they send all employees p60 at the same time so it's not possible. Actually it's my employer's fault that I've been on emergency tax code so long. I just wonder if it's really impossible or they just don't want to deal with my query. There is really no way to send mine separately and earlier. (I was told by HMRC the deadline is the end of May).
Thanks for your help.
Hi Gergely
This is actually a forum for professional bookkeepers and accountants so strictly speaking we are not able to help you, although I can advise the following:-
1) You being on an emergency tax code is not your employers fault. They report your wage into HMRC every time you get paid and if HMRC had the information to be able to change it then they would issue a tax code notice to both you and your employer.
2) You being overtaxed does not need a P60 to be issued to sort it out. You can send your final payslip to HMRC along with a letter asking them to review the position. Note you will need to send details of ALL your income not just the income from that job. You can also try phoning them and they can often sort it out over the phone (as they will have had your last payroll figure reported by close of business today) so give it a couple of days but be warned you could be on the phone for well over an hour - see hmrc for the contact details.
We cannot assist you further on this forum Im afraid.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position
Oops sorry then, I just signed up and wasn't aware that it's only for professionals. Thanks very much for your advice though!
Anyway I was told by HMRC that they need my p60 to be sent by my employer in order to be able to calculate how much I've been overtaxed. And after that they'll send me a cheque, thats what they said over the phone. My employer has had the electronic verification about my new tax code (1150L, I was on 0T M1 for months and I signed this problem both for my employer and HMRC in January) but somehow it hasn't been changed yet. Whatever,thanks for your help
To echo Joanne, unless your employer ignored a Tax Code Notice (unlikely) then it is not their fault. Payroll is reported in real time these days, as Joanne says, every single payday your employer sends electronic notification to HMRC and if any tax codes are wrong then a Code Notice to amend it is sent, usually within a week. The only time HMRC are slower in my experience is when it comes to P11D notifications (this is for reporting things like company card and other benefits in kind) some people at our company are almost a year behind under or overpaying tax when changes havn't gone through at HMRC's end.
Saying that we havn't actually received notification from HMRC this year to increase everyone on an L code by 50 although we have received some individual code changes. Usually this is an email with a clickable link to our HMRC account. This year on 12th April (I was on holiday and a colleague was running payroll) I received a general information email saying check you are using the correct codes for the new year these can be found on the website (no clickable link) so some tax codes have been wrong so far this tax year. I amended them yesterday and they will sort themselves out by the end of the month.
An OT tax code is unusual. It usually means that you have another source of income or did not hand in a P45 to a new employer before the first pay run (its no use handing in a P45 after you have been paid the first time, the employer can not change your code after this point until HMRC tell them to.
Oops sorry then, I just signed up and wasn't aware that it's only for professionals. Thanks very much for your advice though! Anyway I was told by HMRC that they need my p60 to be sent by my employer in order to be able to calculate how much I've been overtaxed. And after that they'll send me a cheque, thats what they said over the phone. My employer has had the electronic verification about my new tax code (1150L, I was on 0T M1 for months and I signed this problem both for my employer and HMRC in January) but somehow it hasn't been changed yet. Whatever,thanks for your help
Whoever you spoke to at HMRC gave you wrong information. For whatever reason of their own. Perhaps a phone call-centre person is able to mark your call down as "complete" and go on to the next one, regardless of whether or not you were given the correct information.
HMRC aren't sent P60's by employers, and they never have been. Until about 4 years ago HMRC were sent an electronic P14 (which contains similar information to a P60) by employers at the end of the PAYE year, by May 19th, but that system is now obsolete and has been superseded by Real Time Information (RTI). Employers now send HMRC payment details electronically, on or before the date of every single employee payment, and this filing (called an FPS) contains all the details that an end of year P14 would have included.
Historic Background: HMRC introduced the RTI system, which is much more complicated and onerous for software developers, employers and payroll bureaus than the old P14 system, with the explicit reasoning that the electronic real time information that they would have would eliminate the need for P14 filing at year end, and allow HMRC to correct wrong tax codes before year end. It is almost certainly HMRC which has slipped up and not done its job in your case, not your employer.
EDIT: The 1150L tax code that your employer has had from HMRC relates to the new tax year. It is the standard single person's tax allowance for 2017/18 It has no bearing on the tax code that your employer should have used in 2016/17 (1100L perhaps), which would need a separate notification (which you would also have received a copy of through the post, if any such notification were issued).
-- Edited by Tom McClelland on Thursday 20th of April 2017 09:39:02 AM
Whoever you spoke to at HMRC gave you wrong information.
-- Edited by Tom McClelland on Thursday 20th of April 2017 09:39:02 AM
I think there are a lot of lazy staff who just cannot be bothered. My son had this when they messed up his tax code between three employers and HMRC even had a fourth who we had never heard of. He just refused to be put off by the nonesense they were talking although he was cut off after being on the phone for an hour - which just made him madder and ring them back and be even more assertive! Second time we got a really lovely helpful lady who followed the query up even after the call.
Winner of Bookkeeper of the Year 2015, 2016 & 2017
Thoughts are my own/not to be regarded as official advice,which should be sought from a suitably qualified Accountant.
You should check out answers with reference to the legal position