Sage problem - VAT on recurring entries
I'm in no way a sage expert but a company recently had a VAT inspection and during the course of the inspection it was found to be a problem with the sage recurring entries. It turns out that when the client switched to the 15% VAT rate last year, instead of creating a new T code (i.e not T1) they just went thr...
Dosh VAT Short Cut Key?
Hello All - I was so excited to find this forum, and I know that you won't all think that I am sad! I run a very small payroll and book keeping service for a handful of clients and quite often need someone to bounce a question off........so here's my first one! I saw a new client today who is using Dosh Cashbo...
Loan Repayment on a Payslip
The MD of a company I am working with takes part his salary PAYE and part is a loan repayment. Is it acceptable to show the loan repayment on the payslip? Obviously tax and insurance would be paid on the PAYE part and nil deductions on the loan repayment. The loan is capital repay and not interest. Hope t...
Bad Debt relief on the vat return
Hi I have just been completing a paper mock exam (ICB level 2 manual ) prior to having a go on the dreaded online version and have come across a question regarding bad debt relief. I know that I account for the Vat being reclaimed by adding it to the input tax in Box 4 However I was unsure as to whether to add t...
Charity Investment question
Hi, as I have mentioned in my previous posts, I have started work as a finance officer for a registered charity. We have excess funds to deposit in a high interest (Yeah I know, what interest!) however the money is currently in a HSBC money market account (int rate .43)my manager tells me that when you in...
Advanced Payment of Expenses
I am advancing a consultant £5k for expenses but am not sure which vat code to post it to? If I post it to T9 and the receipts come in for T1/T9 there is going to be a conflict. Any ideas?
Balance Sheet and Dividend Payments
A technical question I hope some one might answer. For a limited company, if it is decided to pay a dividend on the ordinary shares after the year end and final accounts are prepared, should the BS be redrafted to change the creditor liability and show a reduction against retained post tax profit,...
Carriage inwards, Carriage outwards....confused!
Hi all, Hope you're all enjoying the slightly cooler weather! I have a question regarding Carriage inwards and Carriage outwards. When doing the P & L, Carriage inwards is added to Purchases, being part of the cost of purchasing your goods and Carriage outwards is considered an expense and de...
Business Receipts
Hi All, I'm a newby here, so please be gentle, Hi to you all and I hope I can help others with queries over time as I hope you guys will help me too. My first query on here is.... I have started using Sage Accounts for a client. They started with it, but didn't get the time to do the basics, so basically handed t...
Is Bookcert any good ?
Hi all, I did a search on the forum and read a few of the previous topics for Bookcert, most of which look favourably on the package, but none seem recent, so thought I would get an up-to-date prospective from the collective ! I have ICB Lev 1, Lev 2 Comp and will be sitting Lev 2 Manual next week, so the bookk...
Quick VAT question
Hi, There is no VAT on coffee purchased for re sale through a vending machine is there? Thanks, Tony.
Studying for Level I and II ICB Book Keeping Course
Hi, I am new to this forum and would like some advise please. I have recently joined as a student at the ICB and i am looking at doing the exams. I am currently working in a Purchase Ledger position been with the company 11 years but in accounts for 6 months. I have some course material and intend to go it alon...
Balance sheet query
Hi, I am hoping that someone can help me with a problem that i have with setting up a client on sage. He has a van which i have set up in the fixed asset register using codes 0050 and 8003 for the depreciation and have entered the book value etc.The depreciation has posted to the balance sheet but the van...
Wages in Profit & Loss
Why is wages not appearing in the Profit & Loss report on our accounting system?
Foreign Currancy
Hi All does anybody know which is the best way to enter foreign currancy on Sage, the majority of trading is in sterling, there are many trips to other countries and the foreign currancy is put in the petty cash tin till the next trip, I want to set up another petty cash account for this currancy. Am I bes...
Month end stock adjustments Sage
I've to complete a month end, I realise my opening balance will be last months closing balance then I will have to add purchases and deduct returns then minus closing stock, please can someone explain the procedure I will go through for month end, to arrive at the correct figures. I'm ok working this m...
S419 - to RobH
Hi rob (or anyone), Im stuck in the dark ages. I mentioned S419 a while back and you corrected me. I came across this the other day aswell when someone said S419 had changed. Can you remember what its now called etc. I'll have a look on HMRC website later and hopefully find it but i hate research! Cheers...
Posting a receipt to drawings - how??
My boss recently paid for personal fuel on the business debit card and said to record it as drawings. In our accounts system there is a director's account in his name but how should this transaction be posted?
Fuel costs..no mileage kept
Hi all, One of my clients is self employed and has to travel all round the country with his job. So far all he has kept is receipts for the petrol he has purchased for his car..no mileage has ever been recorded. The car is part business/part private use..although i do need to clarify this. How do i put this...
Dealing with bad debt on SA
Could someone please clarify for me how to deal with invoices never paid and never will be on SA Tax return. For a sole trader is it acceptable to adjust the total of business income, seen as the monies were never received? Or do they have to be included and then counted as an expense? If it has been done...