Hi everyone. Im new here and have a question straight away. How enter to sage invoice for gas and electrisity for 2,5 month. Shell I divided amount for each day or post together with the last month date?? Thank you
Invoices brought forward
Hi, as a newbie I'm still learning the ropes, so here's probably a very simple question and hopefully there's a simple answer. When carrying invoices forward from the previous financial year to the current financial year (and inputting onto a new system), should they be dated as at the invoice date o...
Sending a client their accounts
Hello there! I am new to the forum, though i have been looking at it every now and then for the last six months whilst doing my bookkeeping training. I just have a really simple question (I think!), I am planning to buy Quickbooks very soon, and I wanted to check if I would be able to email my clients their ac...
Sage - Overpaid Invoice - Journal Posting - How?
Hi, I entered a supplier invoice into Sage for £1766 in a previous month.The invoice had a VAT amount and this was recorded. This invoice total should have been £1776, I posted it £10 less than it should have been. I posted it as £1766. Later, when it was paid, I opened the supplier account, and clicked &q...
Working with Analysed Cash Book | Working out balance
Hi all, I'm working with a manual cashbook, taking over from a previous bookkeeper. My question I'm sure has a simple answer, my problem caused by blank brain and also the ever present fact that what you learn in education never really reflects the situations existing in the real world! I'm aware of ho...
Shaun UK
Hi All Can anybody please tell me how to post pension contributions from both employee and employer on sage?
How to deal with Creditor account and Invoice Factoring?
In a double entry system what entries would you make if before you pay 'Co A' your o/s bill they give their receivables to another 'Co B', who then invoice you accordingly? I was first thinking of write off accounts before I came round and thought that you would open up a new creditor account in the name of...
Shaun UK
Exam questions
Is it only me or have others noticed of late that we seem to be getting asked specific questions relating to exams? How do we know whether or not we are assisting people with exams (which are taken at home rather than in a centre under exam conditions), unless someone who has recently taken one of them co...
Compliance with Proceeds of Crime Act & Money Laundering Regulations
Hi - I am in the process of completing the IAB form for a certificate of compliance and its asking me for i) the name of my MLRO (not sure where to get that info) and ii) a copy of my procedures for risk assessing and confirming the status of my clients. I am self employed and only have two clients and therefor...
Clarification of mileage allowances/treatment of fuel
Hello everyone, I would be very grateful if someone could confirm this for me as i've got myself a little muddled. My husband has his own business - he and his partner (LLP) each have a van owned by the business. The company pays for all the fuel via a fuelcard. If there is no private mileage is this ok? Ar...
Expenses I claimed back from an employer
Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere - it seems like a really simple question but I've had different feedback from colleagues so wanted to ask the experts! I'm a freelance TV producer and on shoots I sometimes end up having to buy the crew lunch or pay for train fares and taxis/hotels. I claim this ba...
Money Laundering Regulations
Hi I was wondering if anybody could offer some advice please? I currently work for a small charity as a Finance Officer, I basically do everything from payroll to monthly accounts. A situation has arisen where I may be registering as self employed and doing this work on a self employed basis. The work w...
Opening Balances & Bank Reconciliation. Completely forgotten how manage this ...
Hi chaps & chapesses, I'll start by apologising for asking a stooopid question, but I'm out of practice. Moved over the accounts from MYOB into SAGE, at the beginning of the financial year. Entered the balance sheet as the opening balances for the year, Now I have the bank account values fr...
Business Loan
If a business loan is taking out and a proportion of it is used to pay off non business expenses and a proportion is used to buy a vehicle for business use, can the repayments of the loan totaling the cost of the business proportion be claimed as an expense on the self assesment return? I understand tha...
Preparing and doing peoples books..
Hi all! My friends partner is self employed and so she tries to do his accounts, i.e. getting all the receipts together and compiling a basic in/out table. She said that she's sure there is more to it than that, and I was wondering what exactly are the ins and outs of preparing someones books? Before you a...
Clients and their Accounts
I have one PAYE job which I am being made redundant from on 1st July (due to a transfer of ownership) and I work for them two days a week. So I am trying to logically re-organise my own business to be more cost effective, time effective and also more profitable. So this is what I am considering but would...
Sue T
NBV ... Depreciation in Excel spreadsheets
Hi Can anyone give the Excel formula for Net Book Value (reducing value method) The formula itself is ... Cost x (1 - r)**n r = rate eg: 20% = "0.2" n = asset life (years) Have not been able to type in the exponential (n) in a way that Excel accepts.
Director's Spend
Hi can anyone help.
What is the best way (in Sage) to record a directors spend on expenditure via a personal debit or credit card for a ltd company.
Should a journal be used to dr expenses and cr the directors current account in the 2300 codes or should a bank account be set up. Or Is there another way!
Directors Pay
Good afternoon Professionals, I own and run a construction company, I met with my Accountant earlier to discuss the year going forward and how best to run my books, one of the issues that came up was my pay as a Director. They suggested that I register as an employer and run myself through the payroll on a...
Buddy Construction
Hi all! After putting myself through a bookkeeping course am I able to use this as an expense through my business?? I have a soft furnishing business at present and started a bookkeeping course in April 2009 and have now decided to become a bookkeeper and eventually close my other business down, but c...