What is the AVN network all about?
Happy Saturday all, Just been on Twitter and apparently the AVN network for accountants had a conference yesterday which was really useful, according to the twitter comments. I've never heard of them before and looking at their pricing per another well known forum (it's thousands per year) I co...
Disorganised Client
Hi AllI have been working for one of my clients for the last two years, over the last six months he has become really disorganised, losing receipts, bank statements not received etc etc, very late in paying creditors due to cash flow. I go to his office on a weekly basis, I just cant seem to get on top of th...
How do I accept Direct Debits
I've seen a few accountants offering payment by direct debit to clients. How do they do this? Is it via their bank? I currently use standing orders but dd's seem a bit more professional.
Sage Payroll - Company closing
Dear All I have a Ltd Co client who has just closed the Ltd Co, swapped directors and set up new one-exactle the same staff! Apart from the dodgy side of it, what do I need to do re payroll? I am thinking I need to issue P45's to staff,open new company,enter year to date values and carry on from there? Guida...
Lilac Bookkeeping
Paperwork from another bookkeeper
Why is it that I never fail to be astonished when presented with work from some people in our profession. I do use the term profession very loosly in some cases. I sometimes get tothe point where I wonder if it's just me thats gone mad and the rest of the world is looking at me and wondering. I've picked up s...
A franchise with a guarantee
I thought I'd just post an update to let everyone know that Crunchers now has a "success guarantee". We have done this because: 1. Franchisees are recommended to offer clients guarantess and we feel it is fair to do the same. 2. This also shows our confidence in the Crunchers business syste...
ICB Membership Grades
Hi Everyone I have just passed my ICB Level 3 Maunual and Computerised Bookkeeping Exams. My current membership status is AICB.Cert.PM Dip, I just wondered if anyone could tell me where I can see all the diffferent types of membership, I have seem some members who are MICB.Cert and MICB.Comp, I just...
Business/Personal Expenditure - Fuel Receipts
Hi Everyone, Please could I ask for advice on my current bookkeeping problem...... My client runs a removals business and so a significant number of his receipts are for fuel. However, he makes a lot of buisness purchases on his personal debit and credit cards. I have set up the double entry to: Dr Expe...
Should I use a .ltd.uk Domain Name?
Hi everyone Just stumbled across this forum whilst searching for book-keeping articles. I'm setting up as a book-keeper and trying to build my own website. I've searched for an available .co.uk domain name but my business name is already taken in .co.uk. As far as I can see it's not being used but the...
Naming your bookkeeping / accountancy practice
Morning all, Just wanted to pick your brains to see what everyone thinks about the best way to name a bookkeeping or accountancy practice. I have been reading losts of articles online and some schools of thought are that it should be your surname or full name, which is a very traditional approach. Alte...
New Client Meeting
I'm off to meet a potential new client this afternoon. They run a nursery in the third sector. It sounds interesting. It seems that their previous admin assistant was doing the bookkeeping and payroll and didnt really know what she was doing. They are now panicing as the accounts are due to be subm...
Good morning all, I've recently taken on some work from an accountant and he's given me the extended trial balance so i can enter the opening balances for the new fianacial year. Problem is its not very clear to read and full of scribble etc! I've sat looking at it for so long trying to make sense of it bu...
Nicki noos
Buying retiring accountants fee bank
Has anybody got any knowledge of buying a block of fees from another accountant? I have been helping a local accountant for a few years now and they have said that they would like to retire sometime in the next 12 months. They have offered me first refusal on buying their client base which has recurring f...
Social Networking vs Email
Just received an email from my web hosting provider, who sends out regular newsletters etc, and thought that some of you interested in marketing might want a read. It basically lists the pros and cons of email vs social media marketing, with a few numbers http://www.hostpapa.co.uk/email-vs-soci...
Am I too Cheap or is it a fair cost
I have recently taken a client from a large accountancy franchise which I was really happy about. This morning I have received the old accountants working papers and associated paperwork. What has really shocked me is that my quote is half the price of their old accountants. I will still make a profit...
Methods Of Depreciation
Just testing the waters really on how and what you do... Same Learner driver business, as discussed in other posts, has vehicles and office furniture plus IT equipment (namely iPads) How would you depreciate these goods? Ive gone for: Vehicle RB @30% PA NRV (as it fitted with dual controls, it will b...
Reserve account?
Me... AGAIN?!! Just a quick one... What is a reserve account(it appears underneath capital on balance sheet on sage) I originally posted too much to a cash account and have since corrected it wit ha journal entry and the difference is now in "reserves" Im a bit stumped, and would like to rid...
Money gone missing?
Hello again Another question for you guys :) Im just finishing putting a business' account on to Sage and I have an issue. The business is a football club and because its now between seasons, trading has stopped and apparently all cash has been banked. The bank statement is saying the last banked cash w...
Marketing Without Money
I'm working with a marketing consultant who is developing a "Marketing Without Money" training/coaching programme. The training will not be free, but it will be the cheapest marketing system in the world to implement. The idea is that this will a) save you thousands of pounds in wasted...
Owner paying for expenses on personal card?
Hello all Need a bit of help please :) I've just taken on my first client and have just started transferring all of the company financial information over to sage. I have receipts from one of the partners for bar stock paid using his personal Debit card. Whats the best way to enter this sort of transactio...